Human Sexuality

As the Faith and Order Committee began the work on human sexuality requested by Conference 2014, it assembled a working party to reflect on the many issues relating to human sexuality and to progress the work

This working party included two representatives from the Irish Methodist Youth and Children’s Team (IMYC), and Dean John Mann, Chair of the Select Committee on Human Sexuality of the Church of Ireland. In due course, the Revd Dr William Olhausen replaced Dean Mann.


Faith and Order Committee received comprehensive terms of reference from Conference, which were addressed by the Working Party over a number of years.

These include:

  • Undertaking a fundamental review of Christian teaching on human sexuality and practice

  • Examining afresh how Holy Scripture may be faithfully interpreted in the Methodist Church in respect of issues concerning human sexuality

  • Taking due cognisance of similar work being undertaken by sister Churches both in Ireland and elsewhere.

Download Terms of Reference for Working Party on Human Sexuality

Following the production of a working paper for the full Committee, the Working Party stood down.

The purpose of these Bible studies is:

  • To resource local churches and others to engage positively with the topic of sexuality in the Bible.

  • To enable the Church to have a more Biblically-resourced conversation about sexuality, including at Conference.

  • To model approaches to scripture and good conversations, including good disagreement.



LIVing wholeheartedly

New Podcasts

As part of the ‘Living Wholeheartedly’ podcast we have recorded a special group of conversations which focus on human sexuality which we hope and pray will be a resource for the MCI as we pray, think, listen and study together.

Watch now on YouTube.

> E11 | Doug Godfrey-Swanney

> E12 | David Clements

> E13 | Laurence Graham

> E14 | Johnston McMaster

> E15 | Lynda NeilandS

As a Church, and particularly as part of this process we have had opportunity to listen to many stories, if you have a story to tell, or if you have been hurt you can email

Sexuality: Developing Good Conversation On Difficult Questions


The Working Party has gone through a Connexion-wide listening process, to which those with a particular or personal interest were invited to contribute; these voices have been heard.

A resource document ‘Sexuality: Developing Good Conversation On Difficult Questions’ was brought to the Conference of 2016, where the representatives engaged in facilitated conversations on the subject of human sexuality. Conference directed that this resource, together with other resources, would be used in further conversations at District and local levels.

Printed copies of the booklet ‘Sexuality: Developing Good Conversation On Difficult Questions’ are now available, and will be distributed to each Circuit. These are made available free of charge. If you would like to obtain a copy please speak to your local minister or email

The resource, ‘Sexuality: Developing Good Conversation On Difficult Questions’ is also available as a PDF download here:

Study Sessions


In order to assist Districts and Circuits the Working Party have also provided resources to help structure local conversations.

These are in the form of 4 study sessions, which would ideally happen over the course of 4 weeks.

The Working Party has a number of facilitators, drawn from across the Connexion, who are prepared to be involved in facilitating local conversations. It is strongly recommended that Circuits and Districts avail of these facilitators.


Resource List

To assist local conversations, and those who wish to further develop their thinking on issues of human sexuality, the Working Party has provided a list of resources which we trust will be helpful. The list includes resources from a range of different perspectives on issues of human sexuality, and are drawn both from within our own Connexion and the wider Church. Resources are in a range of formats: written, audio and video.